Thursday, December 22, 2011

...But when you're still waiting for the snow to fall, it doesn't really feel like Christmas at all...

Union Square, SF
beanie: Gap, gift
top: Gap, borrowed from teri
skirt: Gap,  borrowed from teri
navy coat: Gap
tights: Gap
shoes: Vans
winter socks: don't know..

I'm so so sorry I haven't been posting. Forgive me please! As you can see url has changed from tamijam to thewonderfulworldoftami (I know it's long, but it's pretty darn cool, ain't it?) My gmail got hacked a few weeks ago, so I had to import my entire blog onto this email..all my lovely followers are gone! (not that I had like alot anyways) but please still spread the word! I miss my blogger friendlies! thaaaaanks!
So me and teri did some last minute shoppin' for our friends and fam. We play secret santa every year in our fam, so that's always fun (: The lights were beautiful btw and I'm in love with this song. 

Happy holidays everyone!
xoxo, Tami Jam
PS.  I miss my old blog! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

santa monica state beach!

"i know where i need to go to heal the cuts that hurt my soul"

i wanna go to santa monica..

      baby what is wrong with ya..

you don't understand i hate this place,   

you don't understand i need my space.."

Santa Monica- Drew Tabor
Lyrics from this song.
She's amazing.

"I need to get away get away get away.. from this place"

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Chinese Father's Day!

I made spaghetti and homemade meatballs for the first time in my life and it actually turned out really good! :) Haha (yes, I don't cook much..I'm 15 for peet sakes! hahaha) And Teri made the potato w/ cream cheese and green onion, and bread w/ olive oil! My daddy was so glad to come home with so much food on the table (since he's the one that usually makes the, it's tiring! haha) Happy happy chinese father's day!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

la fashion district, baby!

flower crown: hand-made by teri!! :)
tank top: gap
cardigan: gap
skirt: hand-me-down from cousin teresa :)
shoes: payless

hello there! Haven't seen you guys in a while.. I've seriously been pretty busy. I finished my chemistry class though! But now I have to start on my summer assignments..anyways though, I went to the LA fashion district today! It was super hot, but totally fun! My mom enjoyed it the most I'm pretty sure because of all the fabric that was there (you could definitely tell from the pictures!) Speaking of my mommy..that's my parents and me (and basil haha) in the 3rd photo. don't we look awesome? Naturally models, stars, I know. hahah! we're still deciding on where to go tomorrow..i want to meet some celebrities! Haha, teri thinks i'm a total dork. Okay, well gotta go eat some grapes now.. haha toodles!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6/26 i got to meet one republic!!!

ahhhhh! *fan girl scream

..Two days have passed, and I still can't fully believe that I got to meet such a wonderfully talented band. I began to listen to their music a few years ago, and me and Teri fell in love the group instantly. Too bad she couldn't come with us though! She's still in the East Coast for the Ivy League program :( 
Me and some of my amazing friends went to the Alice Summerthing in sf on Sunday and we got to hear Andrew Allen (<3 ahh), Parachute, Michelle Branch (love her!), Matthew Nathanson (He shares the same bday as me! ahhhh), and of course, the one and only One Republic perform live! It was life-changing. (gosh i'm sucha dork) but the band was real nice! Especially Eddie (the drum player in One Republic) He actually really talked to us. My friend Annika even made him hold her sign. (pictured above) Hahaha. I was totally freakin' out when I met them after the show. And I will never forget the moment Ryan pointed and smiled at me when he was on stage singing "All the Right Moves" <3 ahhh all the band members saw my posters too! And you can see my heart poster on Michelle Branch's twitter! oh my, ahhh! Okay, wow I'm get excited again just writing this. Haha. And I know, I know, this isn't an outfit post (again) and I'm sorry! I'll post some sooon! Very soon, I promise! Well, I hope you guys enjoy the pictures, I gotta go back to fantasizing about Ryan Tedder now <3 <3  See you!

xoxo Tami Jam

most awesome song ever <3

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead..

omg, it feels like it freakin 100 degrees right now! It hasn't been this hot in the bay area for a while now. basil is going crazy on the ice cubes, and i can't stand wearing even a short sleeved shirt! (just take it off take if off) just kiddinggg. haha. these photos were actually taken a few days ago but i felt like it was a good time to post because of the weather.. so my mommy also made the beautiful collar necklace i'm wearing in the photos. it's so awesome! oh and i also started to take a chemistry class this monday with my two best friends so we could get ahead in school next year! wooot! go nerds. okay well it's too hot to sit around, i gotta go change..again. see yall in a few!

collar necklace: ttikstudios
tank top: gap
striped/lace skirt: handmade my my mommy
shoes: payless
someone like you- adele 

this week's summer plans!
6/13: chemistry starts! + pirates 4/hangout day with the seniors!
6/14: chemistry
6/15: chemistry+ tina's place+ piano lessons
6/16: chemistry
6/17: party at my house! haha, with the seniors! oh, im going to miss them.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

happy summer fellow bloggers + mommy's etsy!

freshman year has finally ended! i am officially a sophomore now. wow! this year has really gone by way to fast. the weather's finally getting sunny, and i finally have some real time to chill without thinking about an assignment i forgot to do.. and the senior's graduation was today! it was so bittersweet, but i am so ready to have fun for the next 2 months! oh, and both the necklaces are from my mom's awesome etsy shop, ttikstudios! please check it out whenever you can, guys! happy summer everyone!

ps. basil is really growing too fast!
dress: h&m
tights: my mom's from a long time ago!
shoes: vans
twig crown: borrowed, handmade by teri
mustard yellow heart necklace: ttikstudios
sand dollar necklace: ttikstudios

Even though Katy Perry's Last Friday night (t.g.i.f.) is probably a much more suitable song for the summer.. by ingrid michaelson has always been one of my favorites!
Everybody- Ingrid Michaelson

so far this summer..
6/9 thursday: chilled at school with friends when no one was there. yeah IM COOL. haha.
6/10 friday: badminton bbq! basil met miso <3 so cute + water fight!
6/11 saturday: seniors graduation  :( and :) at the same time.
6/12 sunday: haight/ashbury fair
so stoked!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

breakfast for mommy

happy mother's day!

.pita and hummus. hand-made mother's day card. homemade cream cheese cake.
.pita pocket with chicken, veggies, and hummus. scrambled eggs with turkey and veggies..sliced pineapples(below)
me and teri made breakfast this morning for our mommy for mother's day! it was a super fun day! it was also the perfect weather (since it has been soo hot the past few days) and then we went to relax and barnes and nobles and then did a little shopping. i love my mom so so much, and i appreciate everything she has done for me. i can't even begin to explain how grateful i am. i honestly don't know what i'd do without her. happy mother's day, mom!

only the most amazing song in the world.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

calm and placid ripples fill the great land and earth

this is at the clear lake state park in lake county, ca. clear lake is so beautiful! (but not so clear..) we stayed there for a couple of hours as i read (well tried to read) Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. It isn't school assigned but it is my book talk book for 4th quarter, so i still have to present it. i also attempted at skipping rocks.. but it didn't go to well. haha, anyone want to teach me? the weather was great though, and i would like to go back in the summer to do all the summery things, like boating, and horse-back riding, and go in a hot air balloon, and all that cool stuff. me and teri also made leaf nature crowns out the trees nearby. fun day well spent. 
graphic tee: heritage
brown cardigan: gap
floral skirt (worn as shorts): gap
brown tank: old navy
shoes: vans
so the first day of the english cst (or star) testing portion was today, and it was totally easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. i was so scared, it wasn't that bad after all. and we go out about 2 hours early! okay, well i have to go review math for tomorrow's cst. so ill be back soon, and have a great day!
photos taken on april 21, 2011.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"basil-boo" good news+bad news

how much cuter can this puppy get?

my beautiful and talented older sister, teri seaglass. she is so so good at making willow crowns (she's wearing one) and is super friendly (like a puppy, haha) and kind. she's the coolest kid on the block, and you should really check out her blog. :)

so we haven't decided on (our very first) puppy's full name yet, but it's going to go something like this:
.basil -boo "scout" ke$ha-niqua maybelle-licious chen. 
yup, that's right. pretty awesome stuff. she will turn 10 weeks this saturday. we've had her for about 2 weeks now, and she's already completely potty-trained! (that may be the normal time for any dog.. but im just too proud of her) i've literally wanted a dog all my life (well since i was 4) and that was my blowing-the-candles- birthday-wish every single year. i even had a "puppy funds" box since i was really little to save up money for a  puppy because my parents wouldn't let me have one. Well now, at the age of 15, i finally got my puppy. I cannot even begin to explain how overjoyed i am. i came upon just one slight problem though.. my birthday was just a few days ago.. and.. i no longer had a blowing-the-candles-birthday-wish. i mean, that's a good thing. but  yeah. haha.

lace tank: limited too, hand-me-down from me (!)
green gypsy skirt: night market in taiwan
brown gypsy skirt: hand-me-down from me (!)
flower willow crown: DIY by teri 

photos taken by me.

and.. here comes the bad news.. 
i've missed a week of school so far because i am extremely sick. i've been having a fever for the past few days, and now i'm coughing, sneezing, all that junk. i am so behind on work, but..that's okay, right? i'm always  feeling pretty good in the morning and afternoon (that's why i am able to blog right now) but as soon as that sun set.. you already know it. the pains kicks right back in.

Hey! no worries though. I'll get better in no time. let's talk more good news now.. so I did pass my piano test! (all of that practicing really paid off!) I am now officially a level 9 student! i am so so stoked. i got a 97% on my theory (written) test, Excellent on all my pieces (highest score), good on my technique (i was way too nervous!, second highest) & good on sight-reading (always been a stuggle for me :( ). I made it to the branch honors recital again this year though! (county recital). i also made the convention recital though too for the first time in my life (the state recital)! omg. 
wow. i can't believe so much has happened in such a short amount of time.. :)
.. oh no! ill have to talk to guys later because i can feel the headache coming back again! spreading the love to all my followers! :)

xoxo Tami Jam.

cutest. song.ever.