Thursday, December 22, 2011

...But when you're still waiting for the snow to fall, it doesn't really feel like Christmas at all...

Union Square, SF
beanie: Gap, gift
top: Gap, borrowed from teri
skirt: Gap,  borrowed from teri
navy coat: Gap
tights: Gap
shoes: Vans
winter socks: don't know..

I'm so so sorry I haven't been posting. Forgive me please! As you can see url has changed from tamijam to thewonderfulworldoftami (I know it's long, but it's pretty darn cool, ain't it?) My gmail got hacked a few weeks ago, so I had to import my entire blog onto this email..all my lovely followers are gone! (not that I had like alot anyways) but please still spread the word! I miss my blogger friendlies! thaaaaanks!
So me and teri did some last minute shoppin' for our friends and fam. We play secret santa every year in our fam, so that's always fun (: The lights were beautiful btw and I'm in love with this song. 

Happy holidays everyone!
xoxo, Tami Jam
PS.  I miss my old blog! 


  1. I recently got back into blogging after leaving it for so long. good to have you back! sorry to hear your account got hacked, but no worries you made a follower out of me :)

  2. Oh thats so messed up... its amazing to me how people have time to this... But cool that you are back ... Oh and you look so cute here =)
