Saturday, June 11, 2011

happy summer fellow bloggers + mommy's etsy!

freshman year has finally ended! i am officially a sophomore now. wow! this year has really gone by way to fast. the weather's finally getting sunny, and i finally have some real time to chill without thinking about an assignment i forgot to do.. and the senior's graduation was today! it was so bittersweet, but i am so ready to have fun for the next 2 months! oh, and both the necklaces are from my mom's awesome etsy shop, ttikstudios! please check it out whenever you can, guys! happy summer everyone!

ps. basil is really growing too fast!
dress: h&m
tights: my mom's from a long time ago!
shoes: vans
twig crown: borrowed, handmade by teri
mustard yellow heart necklace: ttikstudios
sand dollar necklace: ttikstudios

Even though Katy Perry's Last Friday night (t.g.i.f.) is probably a much more suitable song for the summer.. by ingrid michaelson has always been one of my favorites!
Everybody- Ingrid Michaelson

so far this summer..
6/9 thursday: chilled at school with friends when no one was there. yeah IM COOL. haha.
6/10 friday: badminton bbq! basil met miso <3 so cute + water fight!
6/11 saturday: seniors graduation  :( and :) at the same time.
6/12 sunday: haight/ashbury fair
so stoked!


  1. such a cute dress!! and i LOVE your mom's etsy. how cute is she?!
    i might just have to get myself one of those darling mustard-color heart necklaces.

  2. This is such a cute dress. I also love your headpiece. You have such a cute blog!!


  3. Awwww......both the necklaces are so cute! And you look adorable! Mwah! :)
