Monday, January 10, 2011

There's turkeys on my roof son!

Okay, so once I got to class this morning, my friend told me that I looked like I was dressed for the 50's. Yes? No? Maybe? I was definitely not trying to though. Haha, I actually just threw on what ever I found in the house that was warm (sort of) because I was late for my A Period at 7:20 am. I thought black as the solution and immediately went for it. (black traps in heat, yes? Or so I've heard..) Anyways though, I then felt that I looked too dull with just a black jacket and jeans on, so I decided to add the beanie (It's warm- that's a plus!) and the pearl necklace. I really didn't want to wait 'till this weekend to post, so I took photos of one of my "casual school outfits." (you can say.) Okay, well I gotta dash to study for my 100 question Biology Final tomorrow.. Wish me luck!

Black zippered jacket: Taken from my mommy's closet
White tank: Gap
Pearl Necklace: Hand-me-down from cousin
Jeans: Old Navy
Beanie: Gift, Gap
Shoes: Payless Shoestore

OH, one more thing. Did I mention that I had 17 turkeys in my backyard?? It was definitely the highlight of my weekend. 


  1. that's a lot of turkeys!

    p.s. I'm hosting a giveaway over on my blog for a fox tail if you'd like to check it out. :)

  2. Aren't you looking cute now??? Black & denim is always a win-win combo!!! :)
    Enjoy the company of those turkeys! :))

  3. um, those turkeys are amazing. we had herds of them that would run through our backyard as kids.

    good luck on your final!

  4. Whoa-a that is a lot of turkeys!
    The outfit is cute too :D


  5. Hello:)

    I love your hat!
    wish I had turkey's on my roof:]

  6. Hi Tami. thanks for visiting my blog..!!
    I like your simple outfit for school.. :D

  7. I LIKE your outfit, your cute hat and necklace add fabulous touches!!!


  8. you look so adorable! love your beanie and pearl necklace! :) x

  9. Ho hum 50s?! Idk, but that's a lovely compliment. People tell me that I look like I'm stuck in the 80s; I think they're referring to ridiculous shoulder pads, obnoxious colours, etc. But I think it's awesome. YAY FOR RETRO COMPLIMENTS EHHH.

    And woaaaah. I once had 14 frogs in my backyard and I thought I was cool. OKAY YOU WIN.

  10. simple but love it nonetheless. there's nothing wrong with refernecing prior eras of amzing styles and clothing :)
