Wednesday, March 9, 2011

look at them calf muscles!

I totally work out 24/7. Got my calf muscles all buff. Uh, not really. But I do seem to see a change in my muscles because of school sports. Haha, I'm in my freshman year of high school right now; Therefore, I'm pretty much new to everything (even though the school year is well over half-way). New clubs, new sports, new classes, new teachers! Oh it's all actually quite overwhelming if you think about it. Haha, but anyways, so I just finished soccer season a few weeks ago, and I am now on the badminton team. I pretty much suck at every sport I play, but I do try my best! 
Oh right! (I just realized that you guys know nothing about my life) I am also the cartoonist and staff writer for our school's newspaper this year.. so... all that's set for the rest of the week is.. a badminton game tomorrow, work-night right after school until dinnertime on Friday (yay chipotle!), catch up on my Pretty Little Liars (oh Caleb!), and start on my portfolio (will show some soon) this week for AP art.. possibly.
But after all that's done... im free again!

lace top: Old Navy
navy skirt: Gap
pink flower headband (worn on hat): DIY by Teri
grey hat: Gap
oxfords: Vans


Silver Lining- Rilo Kiley. love.


  1. so lovely!
    BEautiful outfit :)

  2. Loving those brogues!!! You look so sweet & fresh! :)

  3. love ur outfit!!!

  4. wonderful. the brogues and hat add so much charm to this outfit.

  5. great outfit! thank you so much for your amazing comment on my blog!! you're so nice and I'm FOLLOWING YOU from now on ! :)

  6. such a nice outfit!

  7. Your outfit is really nice :) Love the hat and brogues!

  8. Hello, hun! Thank you SO much for your sweet comment + follow. It's wonderful to meet your beautiful blog as well & your style is so, so pretty. xx veronika

  9. Tam, you're so cute! I love the last photo the best though. Haha. You keep doing what you're doing.

  10. hey girl:) you're such a cutie! hashbrowns.. ahh I want them now:p hehe. sneak peek is up in my latest post;)

  11. You look so darling in this outfit. =o)

  12. you are adorable and so is that outfit! enjoy high school.. i'd do it again if i could :)
