Thursday, March 31, 2011

"basil-boo" good news+bad news

how much cuter can this puppy get?

my beautiful and talented older sister, teri seaglass. she is so so good at making willow crowns (she's wearing one) and is super friendly (like a puppy, haha) and kind. she's the coolest kid on the block, and you should really check out her blog. :)

so we haven't decided on (our very first) puppy's full name yet, but it's going to go something like this:
.basil -boo "scout" ke$ha-niqua maybelle-licious chen. 
yup, that's right. pretty awesome stuff. she will turn 10 weeks this saturday. we've had her for about 2 weeks now, and she's already completely potty-trained! (that may be the normal time for any dog.. but im just too proud of her) i've literally wanted a dog all my life (well since i was 4) and that was my blowing-the-candles- birthday-wish every single year. i even had a "puppy funds" box since i was really little to save up money for a  puppy because my parents wouldn't let me have one. Well now, at the age of 15, i finally got my puppy. I cannot even begin to explain how overjoyed i am. i came upon just one slight problem though.. my birthday was just a few days ago.. and.. i no longer had a blowing-the-candles-birthday-wish. i mean, that's a good thing. but  yeah. haha.

lace tank: limited too, hand-me-down from me (!)
green gypsy skirt: night market in taiwan
brown gypsy skirt: hand-me-down from me (!)
flower willow crown: DIY by teri 

photos taken by me.

and.. here comes the bad news.. 
i've missed a week of school so far because i am extremely sick. i've been having a fever for the past few days, and now i'm coughing, sneezing, all that junk. i am so behind on work, but..that's okay, right? i'm always  feeling pretty good in the morning and afternoon (that's why i am able to blog right now) but as soon as that sun set.. you already know it. the pains kicks right back in.

Hey! no worries though. I'll get better in no time. let's talk more good news now.. so I did pass my piano test! (all of that practicing really paid off!) I am now officially a level 9 student! i am so so stoked. i got a 97% on my theory (written) test, Excellent on all my pieces (highest score), good on my technique (i was way too nervous!, second highest) & good on sight-reading (always been a stuggle for me :( ). I made it to the branch honors recital again this year though! (county recital). i also made the convention recital though too for the first time in my life (the state recital)! omg. 
wow. i can't believe so much has happened in such a short amount of time.. :)
.. oh no! ill have to talk to guys later because i can feel the headache coming back again! spreading the love to all my followers! :)

xoxo Tami Jam.

cutest. song.ever.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

look at them calf muscles!

I totally work out 24/7. Got my calf muscles all buff. Uh, not really. But I do seem to see a change in my muscles because of school sports. Haha, I'm in my freshman year of high school right now; Therefore, I'm pretty much new to everything (even though the school year is well over half-way). New clubs, new sports, new classes, new teachers! Oh it's all actually quite overwhelming if you think about it. Haha, but anyways, so I just finished soccer season a few weeks ago, and I am now on the badminton team. I pretty much suck at every sport I play, but I do try my best! 
Oh right! (I just realized that you guys know nothing about my life) I am also the cartoonist and staff writer for our school's newspaper this year.. so... all that's set for the rest of the week is.. a badminton game tomorrow, work-night right after school until dinnertime on Friday (yay chipotle!), catch up on my Pretty Little Liars (oh Caleb!), and start on my portfolio (will show some soon) this week for AP art.. possibly.
But after all that's done... im free again!

lace top: Old Navy
navy skirt: Gap
pink flower headband (worn on hat): DIY by Teri
grey hat: Gap
oxfords: Vans


Silver Lining- Rilo Kiley. love.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sprinkled specks of magic

(Please take a moment to click and listen to the lovely music at the bottom while viewing this post. "Penelope's Theme" from The Brother's Bloom.)


...So at first, I was afraid that today's photo-shoot would be a disappointment, (due to the dark and rainy-ness) but it turned out to be quite the opposite. Tiny specks of rain fell nicely on my newly parted hair (please take notice that I do very well have bangs now) as Teri took the photos. Since the past few weeks have been a bit chaotic for me (you can say), being outside wearing this outfit made me clear my mind of all things in life. I was free for those few beautiful moments. Free from all work and responsibilities. All of my troubles and worries seemed to slowly disappear with the rain. I just felt as if I could become anything I ever dreamed of becoming. A be it! It's so nice to slow down in life sometimes and realize that nature can change our lives with the most little and gentlelest touches... 

leaf willow crown: diy
pink top: borrowed from my mommy
floral skirt: borrowed from my mommy
belt: coach (worn as belt), borrowed from Teri
ballet shoes: local dance store