Tuesday, August 10, 2010

At the beach.


This photo was not taken at the beach (obviously), but I thought it was just so great that I had to post it. Taken by a friend, this is my lovely and creative sister, Teri.

Tan cardigan: Gap
White flowy lace dress: Hand-me-down
Black tights: Welovecolors.com
Black shoes: Payless
Twig crown with pale pink flowers: Hand-made by Teri

                                      Ocean Beach, San Francisco.

It was actually warm and sunny there that day!
I usually never liked going there because it was always windy enough to blow a thousand specks of sand right into my eyes- while I still had my contacts on. I always forgot to bring my sunglasses.

And when I actually remember to bring them, it wasn't windy. Great.

But atleast the water was nice.


  1. Oh, hello and wecome to blog world! :DD I still feel pretty new since I haven't been here too long. > w< these pictures look so nice, I wish I could have been splish splashing in it. 8D <3

  2. The first photo is great! is that your neighborhood? i'm currently listening to "california gurls" by Katy Perry and wishing I were in california.


  3. Thanks for visiting Showers of Sunflowers! I just drove through San Francisco on my way back from camping, and it was sooo foggy! But Santa Cruz has been cold all summer too :( ! Can't wait to see more posts, and I'm now following your blog!

  4. AHHH. This sounds just OH SO FABULOUS. I love the beach. So very much. These pictures are so fun. Especially the jumping one because JUMPING IS SO AWESOME.

    You look adorable, too! Enjoy the rest of your summer!


  5. Lovely blog!
    I would like to invite you to mine - I think you will really like it :))
    Also, the main reason for my invitation is that I want to invite you to join my Challenge - just click on the link at the very top of my left sidebar and see what it is - I hope you will find it exciting :)
    In any case - I hope you enjoy my blog and of course feel free to follow me if you do! ;)

    Much love,

  6. Reeally nice pictures! I love your sister's photo!


  7. love the first shot, the outfit looks amazing!!


  8. Thanks for inviting me to your blog. Can't wait to see more posts! Amazing pictures!


  9. Love the first shot so beautiful and peaceful!

    Check out my new beauty and fashion blog?

  10. I love love San Francisco! You have an awesome blog so far, congratulations!
