Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sometimes I imagine myself dancing in the woods and soaring in the sky.

These crowns. Oh, I love them. Whenever I wear them, they make me feel like a true princess. And I'm not even talking about the really glittery ones with big poofy dresses that fall in love with a guy at the end of the movie. I'm talking about the more nature-ful ones that just like to sit in a quiet place to think. To think about the sky, the water, and the view.

My baby cousins actually just came over a few days ago, and this is what I asked one of them.

Me: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Baby Cousin: "A princess."
Hey, guess it runs in the family.

 I had to cover that spot because when I was jumping down from that cemented ledge, my skirt flew up.. and I'm sure you know what got exposed.. Enjoy!

These photos are taken by Teri in our backyard.  

Brown buttoned tank top: Gap
White tank top: Gap
Brown lace skirt: Hand-made by my mommy
Ivory beaded bracelet: Gift, from the Philipines
Taupe shoes: Old Navy
Twig crown: Hand-made from a nearby tree