Tuesday, August 9, 2011

santa monica state beach!

"i know where i need to go to heal the cuts that hurt my soul"

i wanna go to santa monica..

      baby what is wrong with ya..

you don't understand i hate this place,   

you don't understand i need my space.."

Santa Monica- Drew Tabor
Lyrics from this song.
She's amazing.

"I need to get away get away get away.. from this place"

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Chinese Father's Day!

I made spaghetti and homemade meatballs for the first time in my life and it actually turned out really good! :) Haha (yes, I don't cook much..I'm 15 for peet sakes! hahaha) And Teri made the potato w/ cream cheese and green onion, and bread w/ olive oil! My daddy was so glad to come home with so much food on the table (since he's the one that usually makes the food..man, it's tiring! haha) Happy happy chinese father's day!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

la fashion district, baby!

flower crown: hand-made by teri!! :)
tank top: gap
cardigan: gap
skirt: hand-me-down from cousin teresa :)
shoes: payless

hello there! Haven't seen you guys in a while.. I've seriously been pretty busy. I finished my chemistry class though! But now I have to start on my summer assignments..anyways though, I went to the LA fashion district today! It was super hot, but totally fun! My mom enjoyed it the most I'm pretty sure because of all the fabric that was there (you could definitely tell from the pictures!) Speaking of my mommy..that's my parents and me (and basil haha) in the 3rd photo. don't we look awesome? Naturally models, stars, I know. hahah! Anyways..so we're still deciding on where to go tomorrow..i want to meet some celebrities! Haha, teri thinks i'm a total dork. Okay, well gotta go eat some grapes now.. haha toodles!