Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday morning rain is falling.

Dear Rain,

I've been waiting for you for quite some time now. You make the skies dark, the earth moist, and the world magical. You come so easily, yet so beautifully. You may make some feel tired, gloomy, or even stuffy, but you make me feel the exact opposite. I'm currently sitting in my room staring at you blankly. Listening to the sound you make when you gently reach the floor is unbelievably amazing. You come and go so naturally, and when you come, you make everything live again in such a simple way. Running around outside when you're here only makes me feel like a child again. The world needs more of you, and I hope you stay for a while this time.

Yours Truly,
Tami Jam

Navy long sleeve: Gap
Beige crocheted outerwear: Heritage
 Pale Pink Skirt: Hand-me-down
Purple floral skirt: Borrowed from my mommy
Black sparkled stockings: Taiwan
Plaid shoes: Vans
Light blue beanie: Hand-made by my grandmother
Photos Taken By Teri.